
Poetry: wintering by Amy LeBlanc

Amy LeBlanc’s poem “Wintering” is a master of the short line—trembling and damaged bodies laid across four syllables. We’re enthralled by the pressed imagery, the slant rhymes, the wish for peace. Wintering he torched the skin that i’m still in.…

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Thank You All!

Thank you submitters! Please give us 8-12 weeks after closing to reach out selections. We can’t wait to see what you’ve sent in!

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Poetry: mythologies by Thomas Nguyen

Thomas Nguyen’s poem makes of the readers own body a delicate collection of pine needles and mud. With greens and blacks and marbled whites, “mythologies” reveals a world dark, haunting—we’re all, by the end, thirsty with prayer.   mythologies &…

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Poetry: Two Poems by Asa Drake

This pair of poems by Asa Drake offer a harmony unique to themselves—one magnifying the other, and both about love, both filled out with Drake’s assured confidence in the strange.   The Wasp Doesn’t shelter herself in work. Who is…

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