Global Poetry Prize, South Asia Winner: Ars Poetica: Kohinoor (Mountain of Light) by Iqra Khan

We’re so excited to share this poem by Iqra Khan, the 2022 Global Poetry Prize winner for the region of South Asia. About Iqra’s poem, the judge Tarfia Faizullah writes, “This poem astonishes in how its rigor of structure conjoins its wisdom AND wilderness of thought. After I read this poem I exclaimed whew! and, damn! and then I read it again.”


Ars Poetica: Kohinoor (Mountain of Light)

Example: “things that must be (un)done before we demand the return of Kohinoor”


Iqra Khan

Iqra Khan (she/her) is a Pushcart-nominated poet, activist, and lawyer. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Adroit Journal, Southeast Review, swamp pink, Pidgeonholes, Denver Quarterly, Apogee, Four Way Review, HAD, Palette Poetry, Baltimore Review, Kitchen Table Quarterly, and The Bombay Review. Her work is centred around the experiences of the brown Muslim body, collective nostalgia and the aspirations of her endangered community.

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