The 2022 Nature & Place Prize — Winners and Finalists!

Congratulations to the winners of our inaugural Nature & Place Prize, and thank you to everyone who submitted! We’re delighted to announce that Anna Newman has been selected for the $3000 prize by our amazing judge, Amaud Johnson. Dan Barton is our 2nd place winner, and Noel Quiñones our third. We’re so excited to share their work with you this February! We’d also like to offer a warm congrats to our finalists and those on the longlist.



Anna Newman

“de arena & calce or: of sand & quicklime or: hydrangeas”

To be published on February 21st


2nd Place

Dan Barton

“River Eclogue: Narcissus & Echo at the Bridge”

To be published on February 22nd


3rd Place

Noel Quiñones

“How to Color Mami”

To be published on February 23rd

The Finalists Are

Carling McManus

Jessica Poli

JP Grasser

Kinsale Drake

Luisa Igloria

Sebastian Merrill

torrin a. greathouse

The Poets on the Longlist Are

Annah Sidigu

Arah Ko

Benja Castor

Benjamin Grimes

Constantina Clark

Desirée Alvarez

EG Cunningham

Eliza Gilbert

Jack Pagliante

jennifer loyd

Jessica Nesbitt

Jo Porter

Juliette Blevins

Kathleen Dale

Layla Benitez-James (translation of a poem by Helena Gamos)

Luisa Black

Marietta Brill

Melinda Coppola

Patricia Zylius

Peter Bergquist

Rebecca Brock

Robert Hill

Robert Daseler

Ryan Vine

Sena Cebeci

Shannon Morr

Shaw Patton

Stephen Ackerman

Susie Meserve

T R Poulson

Tanya Tuzeo

Taylor Bratches

Tom Sheehan

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