2021 OPEN Finalists: Part 2 of 3
Thank you for joining us on the journey through the OPEN winners! You can find Chaun Ballard’s winning poem here, and Part 1 of the finalists here. For Part 2, we’re sharing work by Kimberly Nguyễn, Emma De Lisle, and Raphael Jenkins. Part 3 arrives tomorrow!
6 women are murdered man murders 6 women by Kimberly Nguyễn
Kimberly Nguyễn is a Vietnamese-American poet, originally from Omaha, Nebraska but now living in New York City. Her work can be found in diaCRITICS, perhappened mag, Hobart, Muzzle Magazine, and others. She is a recipient of a Beatrice Daw Brown Prize for Poetry, and is currently an Emerging Voices fellow at PEN America.
Ekphrastic For Missing Bosch Figures by Emma De Lisle
Emma De Lisle is a PhD candidate in Religion at Harvard, where she studies poetry, sacramental art, and eucharistic theology. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Conjunctions, Colorado Review, and Peripheries, among others.