Poetry: “Object Permanence” by Zephyr Zhang

There’s a surreal element to Zephyr Zhang’s “Object Permanence.” The poem begins somewhat innocuously with, “I am a lock,” but quickly it escalates to, “I am an insecure lock.” Zhang drags us into their emotional world without permission, and while we should be kicking and screaming, the irreverence and unexpectedness makes the poem entertaining and gleefully off-balance. By the end of the poem, we are sad to leave, hoping to stay longer in the world of this promising poet, whose juxtapositions and shifts are reminiscent of Sawako Nakayasu or Chia-Lun Chung. Zhang is funny and serious and then funny again. Their language leaves nothing to be desired, except more.
Object Permanence
after Always Becominging
I am a lock. I am an insecure lock. Somebody sliced me up
with bolt cutters. Now I’m lying on the floor. Now I’m lying
to you. I am actually a magnet. I attract attention. I also attract
tension. Can you feel it? Between you and me. You don’t know
what’s going on. I like it when you’re confused. I like it
when I’m a puzzle. I’m a crossword puzzle. I’ll let you fill in
the blanks. I’ll be whatever you want. Your manic pixie ______.
Yes I am your dream girl. Or your dream boy. Or your dream
tentacle monster. I grasp your face lovingly with my appendages.
Do not be afraid. I am a biblically accurate angel. Your guardian
angel. I have watched you sleep every night. I am your security
camera. I am zooming in. I am more observant than you think.
I have lots of internal storage. I remember things. Remember
when your mum threw a candle at you? Remember when you
barricaded yourself in with a cabinet? Remember when they
removed the lock on the bathroom door? I am that bathroom door.
I am the gateway to a quick retreat. I am the little luxury in private
moments. A space for reflection. I am a mirror. Look at yourself.
Look at what you have become.
Zephyr Zhang
Zephyr Zhang 张挚 is a writer and performer based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Their poetry is published in various places including Cordite, Landfall, Starling, Sweet Mammalian and The Spinoff. Find more of Zephyr's work at zephyrzhang.com.