Poetry: “I Stalk the Piedmont Houses on Zillow Just to Feel Something” by Zoe Dorado

“People / from the Bay always say they’re like upper-middle-lower-class / when they’re actually a South Park punchline. But we like to believe / we’re funny. I want to believe that I’m in on the joke.”

Here is a fresh poetic commentary, by emerging poet Zoe Dorado, on class, culture, and gentrification with the ever-growing backdrop of suburbia.

Zoe Dorado

Zoe Dorado is a Pinay writer from the San Francisco Bay Area and a student at Pomona College. Her poetry appears in The Offing, Haymarket Books, Bullshit Lit, her notes app, and elsewhere. She is the 2024 Youth Poet Laureate of the Western U.S. and an Assistant Poetry Editor at The Adroit Journal. You can find more of her work at zoedorado.com.

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