November 2023 Deadlines: 11 Contests and Magazines with Deadlines This Month

New month, new courage: submit your work to these fellowships, magazines, awards and internships. Remember, too, acceptances and rejections are by-products of this journey—crafting your authentic art is the goal. And as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices. This list is powered by the deadline service Literistic!
This fall, we’re delighted to bring back our Award for New Poets! We’re looking to uplift an up-and-coming poet, with no more than one full-length collection forthcoming or published at the time of submission. We award $3,000 for the winning poem, selected by our guest judge. Our second- and third-place winners receive $300 and $200, respectively. All three winners will be published. Our judge this year is torrin a. greathouse, whose “Burning Haibun” Frontier Poetry first published in 2017, and who is now an award-winning poet and professor. We love seeing a poet’s origins and the many ways they move and grow in their work, and this award is an opportunity for us to help you along that path! Send us your innovative poems, your passion projects, the work you can’t wait for the world to share in!
Deadline: November 30 // Fee
Thank you for your interest in submitting to Cream City Review! We devote ourselves to publishing memorable and energetic fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork which represent a broad range of creators with diverse, unique backgrounds. Both beginning and well-known writers are welcome! All submissions are considered for issues one year in advance, and our reporting time is typically 4-8 months. Thank you for your patience in advance. We do our best to respond within 8 months.
Deadline: November 1 // No fee
New England Review invites submissions in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, drama, and translations in every genre. We welcome and encourage submissions from writers of every nationality, race, religion, and gender, including writers who have never been affiliated with an MFA program and whose perspectives are often underrepresented in the literary world. Fiction: word limit is 20,000, though most of what we publish is shorter than 10,000 words. Poetry: please send no more than six poems at once, and upload them as a single file. Non-fiction: the word limit is 20,000, though most of what we publish is shorter than 10,000 words.
Deadline: November 1 // Fee
In response to rapid gentrification and displacement of QTBIPOC+ literary artists in the San Francisco Bay Area, and in celebration of these communities’ revolutionary history, Foglifter Press, RADAR Productions, and Still Here San Francisco joined forces to create a chapbook prize for local emerging queer and trans black writers, indigenous writers, and writers of color. Each year, one chapbook author is awarded publication, a $1,500 prize, and $1,000 for promotion, as well as a spot on RADAR’s Sister Spit tour. Submitter is a QTBIPOC+ literary artist AND is a current resident of the larger San Francisco Bay Area AND does not have a previous full-length publication in their submission genre.
Deadline: November 1 // No fee
Foglifter Call for General Submissions
Foglifter is a biannual compendium of the most dynamic, urgent queer and trans writing today. It’s a space where LGBTQ+ writers celebrate, mourn, rage, and embrace. Foglifter welcomes daring and thoughtful work by queer and trans writers in all forms, and we are especially interested in cross-genre, intersectional, marginal, and transgressive work. We want the pieces that challenged you as a writer, what you poured yourself into and risked the most to make. But we also want your tenderest, gentlest work, what you hold closest to your heart. Whatever you’re working on now that’s keeping you alive and writing, Foglifter wants to read it. For prose, please send a single word document with up to 7500 words of nonfiction (up to three flash stories/nonfiction pieces). Make sure it is in standard double-spaced formatting and a font that we don’t need a microscope to read. For poetry, submit 3-5 poems in a single word document.
Deadline: November 2 // No fee
First Prize: $1,000. You may submit up to five previously unpublished poems in a Word document. All contact information should be entered in your cover letter. No names or addresses should appear on manuscripts. Your poems will be assigned log numbers so they can be read blind. Simultaneous submission to other journals or competitions is allowed with notice should your poems be accepted elsewhere. Final Judge: Diane Seuss.
Deadline: November 2 // Fee
The Yale Series of Younger Poets is seeking submissions for its 2024 competition. The Yale Younger Poets Prize is the oldest annual literary award in the United States and the series champions the most promising new American poets. Winners of the Series will receive a $1000 advance and a publication contract from Yale University Press and one of the six writing fellowships offered at The James Merrill House in Stonington, CT. The fellowship provides a furnished living space and daily access to James Merrill’s apartment for a writer in search of a quiet setting to complete a project of literary or academic merit. The winning poetry manuscript will be selected by the series’ current judge, critically acclaimed poet Rae Armantrout.
Deadline: November 15 // Fee
Nightboat Poetry Prize
Starting on September 1st, Nightboat Books invites submissions to the 2023 Nightboat Poetry Prize. The editors will select up to four winners. The winning poet(s) receive $1,000, a standard royalty contract, and 25 free copies of the published book. Judges: LINA BERGAMINI, LINDSEY BOLDT, JAYE ELIZABETH ELIJAH, GIA GONZALES, STEPHEN MOTIKA, KIT SCHLUTER, NAIMA YAEL TOKUNOW & SANTIAGO VALENCIA
Deadline: November 15 // Fee
A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize
The A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize is awarded to honor a poet’s first book, while also honoring the late founder of BOA Editions, Ltd., a not-for-profit publishing house of poetry and poetry in translation. Judge: Matthew Shenoda Winner Receives: Book publication by BOA Editions, Ltd. in spring 2025, $1,000 honorarium. Only manuscripts by poets who have yet to publish a full-length book collection of poetry will be considered.
Deadline: November 15 // Fee
The Baltimore Review
Submit 1-3 poems, one short story (really, just one, no more than 5,000 words) or one to three pieces of flash fiction (in one document), or one creative nonfiction piece (no more than 5,000 words). Payment for non-contest submissions is Web exposure, a copy of the annual compilation in which the author’s work appears, and a small payment ($40 Amazon gift certificate or $40 through PayPal, if preferred).
Deadline: November 30 // No fee
2024 Rising Writers Prize in Poetry
The 2024 Rising Writer Prize is for a first full-length book of poetry. The Autumn House staff and select outsider readers will serve as the preliminary readers, and the final judge is Eduardo C. Corral. The winner receives publication of a full-length manuscript and $1,500.The submission period opens September 1, 2023, and closes November 30, 2023 (Eastern Time). We will announce the contest’s finalists and winner by March 15, 2024.
Deadline: November 30 // Fee