Poetry: at the lakeshore trader joe’s they were playing the x files theme song by Samia Saliba

Animated by its speaker’s distinct voice, this poem by Samia Saliba catalogues feelings of alienation that eventually draw us into a moment of ekphrastic revelation.

at the lakeshore trader joe’s they were playing the x files theme song

& i was like is everyone hearing this or is the alien arrival

finally upon us? i was

very lonely at the time. i dyed

my hair purple but it faded

in a week. i hated

being blonde. i woke up

at 4:45 every day. i took provocative

polaroids in the bath &

mailed them to my boyfriend. he didn’t send

anything back. at the asian art museum

charisa sketched my face & placed

it among the art. fuming from the mouth,

a speech bubble cried: i need water! this was

the first time i recognized myself in months. i wanted

to keep the drawing but instead i snapped a photo &

posted it on instagram. among the garden of mostly-obscured

uncanny photos of my face. then we walked

into the next room & saw an acrylic orb

pulsing with blue neon letters. they said:




Samia Saliba

Samia Saliba (she/her) is an LA-based writer, artist, and PhD student in American Studies & Ethnicity. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Palette Poetry, Apogee, Mizna, & elsewhere. Her debut chapbook of poems about the X-Files is forthcoming with Game Over Books. Find her on twitter @sa_miathrmoplis or in real life petting a cat.

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