Poetry: Mirrors Within A Picket Fence: A Triptych on Post-War Inequality by Sher Ting Chim

Lyric and sharp, this is poem drives home the importance of considering the relationship between form and content. Visibly contained yet multiplying language within its own confines, Sher Ting Chim’s triptych trains an unflinching eye on the power-enforced distances between actuality and image/perception and the violences that occur in those gaps.
Mirrors Within A Picket Fence: A Triptych on Post-War Inequality
Sher Ting Chim
Sher Ting is a Singaporean-Chinese writer. She is a 2021 Writeability Fellow with Writers Victoria and a 2023 Kenyon Review Winter Workshop participant. She is a 2021/2022 Pushcart and Best of The Net nominee with work published/forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Gulf Coast, Pleiades, Salt Hill, Colorado Review, AAWW, OSU The Journal, and elsewhere. Her debut chapbook, Bodies of Separation, is published with Cathexis Northwest Press and second chapbook, The Long-Lasting Grief of Foxes, is forthcoming with Mouthfeel Press. She tweets at @sherttt and writes at sherting.carrd.co.