Poetry: One year later, after marrying for love at age 55. by Paula C. Eisenrich

A poem that savors stillness, Paula C. Eisenrich’s “One year later…” reflects the speaker’s beloved through an image of life and sustenance that comes from beyond both of them. Its title hints at steadfastness, at patience, and the work of the image here is indeed unhurried and inviting.
One year later, after marrying for love at age 55.
On our porch rail overlooking Lake Leland,
once your place, now ours,
I untwist the rusted metal lid,
and drop striped-sunflower seeds, peanuts, millet
inside the conical, black wire mesh bird feeder,
trusting the tray will capture what cannot be contained
and I am reminded of the rhythm of a day-
seeing black-capped chickadees
and blue jays widen your smile, your eyes,
overlooking a lake that opens like a mirror to the sky
while sitting together at the oak table
tasting just-picked blueberries in oatmeal,
hearing the busy prattle from the birds outside
that fills our ears as we watch them eat,
waiting in line, hopping, pecking quickly,
ruffled feathers, flying away, then coming back.
Paula C. Eisenrich
Paula C. Eisenrich has the privilege of being an MFA student at the University of Nevada, Reno-At Lake Tahoe, after having the opportunity to work with youth and families as a social worker and an elementary-school teacher for over twenty years. Realizing it is through revealing herself and being willing to learn something new that allows her to better understand herself and others, she joyfully offers her poems, hoping they speak to others in their own lives.