August 2022 Deadlines: 10 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

New month, new courage: submit yourself to these fellowships, magazines, awards and internships. Remember, too, acceptances and rejections are by-products of this journey—crafting your authentic art is the goal. And as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices.This list is powered by the deadline service Literistic!
Our Summer Poetry Lab
This is an all-online space to get your work read and edited by the very people who either accept/reject poems for a living, or work as faculty at great MFA programs around the country. Our editor-partners have likely published some of your favorite contemporary poets or worked alongside them! They will apply their expertise on your poems—personalized developmental feedback that will help your best poems find their way to the page. These editors receive a significant portion of the Lab fee. We’re also doing the most to pack this opportunity with great material.
Deadline: July 31 // Fee
Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Prize
Three prizes: $1,000, $500, $250. Five finalists published in 2022 Red Wheelbarrow Literary Magazine. Letterpress broadside of winning poem by Gary Young of Greenhouse Review Press. Each poem must be able to fit on one 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of paper. The contest is open to all styles of poetry from national and international participants writing in English except individuals who are employees, board members, donors of funds and/or other goods/services for Red Wheelbarrow Literary Magazine and Poetry Center San José. Judged by Juan Felipe Herrera!
Deadline: August 1 // Fee
Briefly Write Poetry Prize
The Briefly Write Poetry Prize celebrates and rewards bold, succinct writing. We want well-crafted poems up to 10 lines. We want innovative language, strong imagery and a subtle, focused composition. Send us your best work. There is a prize fund of £60. We are committed to accessibility and, as such, entry is free. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate any support towards the costs of running this competition. Everyone is welcome to enter, whoever you are and wherever you are in the world.
Deadline: August 1 // Free
There is only one category: the Story. There is truth in any story, and the reason you choose to tell a particular story may be the most important story of all. It doesn’t matter if you consider it fiction, nonfiction, or poetry—if it tells a story, it fits. Grand Prize: $1,000 and a 2-year ($100) gift certificate to Duotrope. Five additional prizes of $200 will be given for stories that excel in the merits of Humor, Passion, Depth, and (any form of) Love. An additional $200 prize will be awarded in a wild card category, to be determined by the entries. Additionally, winners and Honorable Mentions will be published in and receive a free copy of the annual Stories That Need to Be Told anthology. 10,000 word limit, $20 per entry.
Deadline: August 9 // Fee
Room Magazine Poetry Contest
Thank you for considering Room for the publication of your original short stories, poems, creative non-fiction, or art. Room publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art by folks of marginalized genders including, but not limited to, women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit, and nonbinary people. The 2022 judge is Lillian Allen.
Deadline: August 15th // Fee
Qu is a literary journal, published by the MFA program at Queens University of Charlotte. The Qu editorial staff is comprised of current students. We publish fiction, poetry, essays and script excerpts of outstanding quality. Payment upon publication is $100 per prose piece and $50 per poem. Contributors will also receive one copy of magazine. We do not accept previously published work. International submissions are accepted with a caveat. Unfortunately, we cannot pay for contributors who are US citizens living abroad or non-US citizens at this time. Payment for publication in this case will be five copies of magazine. Fees are $2.50 per submission.
Deadline: August 15 // Fee
The Palette Poetry Prize
We’re delighted to launch the inaugural Palette Chapbook Prize! Poetry chapbook manuscripts of all styles are welcome—we have no theme or aesthetic preference. The judge this year is Chen Chen. In winter 2022, the winning chapbook will be published and made available digitally. The contest submission fee is $20. Submissions are open from June 20 — August 21, 2022. The Chapbook Prize is open to all poets writing in English. The winner will receive digital publication, 50 copies of their chapbook, and $2000 prize money.
The Aesthetica Creative Writing Award
Aesthetica is looking for the best new writing talent. The international literary prize is open to poetry and short fiction submissions on any theme, celebrating innovation in content, form and technique. Poetry entries should be no more than 40 lines; fiction entries should be no more than 2,000 words. One winner is selected for poetry, and one for fiction, each awarded £2,500. 60 longlisted writers, including the two winning entries, will be published in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Award Anthology. Previously published and simultaneous submissions accepted.
Off the Grid Poetry Prize
Founded in the fall of 2011 to provide a forum for older poets, who are sometimes overlooked by the current marketplace. We are looking for work by poets over sixty, ripened in craft and vision, and sufficiently sprightly to promote their work through readings and networks. We are pleased to announce that this year’s contest will be judged by poet Garrett Hongo. Manuscripts must be typed, paginated, and at least 50 pages in length. The winner will receive $1,000 and publication. The entry fee is $25
Deadline: August 31 // Fee
Short Story judged by Steve Bowkett. Poetry judged by Chris Huck and Catherine Fitzsimons. Entry fee: £5 per entry (Poetry category only: 3 poems for £10). Optional Critiques £5 each are available for both categories. Cash prizes of £200, £100 and £50 for 1st 2nd and 3rd place. Entries must be in English and typed, or printed, on one side of white A4 paper. Alternatively, they can be emailed as a Word file. Stories must be a minimum of 500 words but must not exceed 2,000 words. Poems can be any style, maximum 40 lines.
Deadline: August 31