Congratulations to Our New Editor in Chief!

We are extremely excited to announce that I.S. Jones will be our new Editor in Chief!
A note from Josh, Frontier’s Founder and previous Editor in Chief:
Please give a warm welcome to the new leader of the Frontier project! I have been so impressed with I.S. Jones, as a poet, a scholar, and a leader. We are all excited to see the future she will bring about over the next five, ten, twenty years as editor.
Though I am leaving the position as editor, I will forever remain part of the Frontier family! I am stepping into a broader leadership role for our family of literary magazines, of which Frontier has played such an important part. Please feel welcome to continue to reach me at
A note from I.S., the new Editor in Chief:
I have for some time wanted to return back to editing but in a broader reaching capacity. Frontier is a literary magazine I have profound admiration for as a space that actively uplifts not only marginalized voices, but also international poets and those that are just starting out in their career. This is a great privilege, one that I do not take lightly. I am very fortunate to be at the helm of this ship that values literary art.
As I have adjusted to my new role over the last few weeks, it has been a delight to grow with not only the magazine but to be apart of the ever-evolving company that is Discover New Art, and I look forward to serving this wonderful literary community. Please feel welcome to reach out to me at
About I.S. Jones:
I.S. Jones is an American / Nigerian poet, essayist, and music journalist. She is a Graduate Fellow with The Watering Hole and holds fellowships from Callaloo, BOAAT Writer’s Retreat, and Brooklyn Poets. I.S. hosts a month-long, online poetry workshop every April called The Singing Bullet. She is the co-editor of The Young African Poets Anthology: The Fire That Is Dreamed Of (Agbowó, 2020) and served as the inaugural nonfiction guest editor for Lolwe. She is an Editor at 20.35 Africa: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, freelanced for Complex, Revolt TV, NBC News THINK, and elsewhere. Her works have appeared or is forthcoming in Guernica, Washington Square Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Hobart, LA Review of Books, The Rumpus, The Offing, Transition, Shade Literary Arts, Blood Orange Review, Honey Literary and elsewhere. Her poem “Vanity” was chosen by Khadijah Queen as a finalist for the 2020 Sublingua Prize for Poetry. She received her MFA in Poetry at UW–Madison where she was the inaugural 2019–2020 Kemper K. Knapp University Fellowship and is the 2021-2022 Hoffman Hall Emerging Artist Fellowship recipient. She is the Director of the Watershed Reading Series with Art + Literature Laboratory, a community-driven contemporary arts center in Madison, Wisconsin. Her chapbook Spells of My Name (2021) is out with Newfound.