Poetry: The Louder I Sing by Jad Josey

In “The Louder I Sing,” the speaker wrestles with the void of departure: “come back come back come back?”

The Louder I Sing


Your glass left a perfect circle, and I

wondered if a more perfect circle had

ever existed, but we were not there to

talk about circles, not there to talk

about perfection. I was trying to sing

the words between your silence, to

fill the void with something not an echo.

The further away you moved, the louder

I had to sing. I sang until you believed

you were enough. I sang until you no longer

believed I was. The circle has begun to

fade, although I have not polished it

a single time. What is left to say except

come back come back come back?

Jad Josey

Jad Josey's work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Glimmer Train, CutBank, Passages North, and elsewhere. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best Small Fictions, and his story, "It Finally Happened," was selected for inclusion in the Best Microfiction 2021 anthology. Read more at www.jadjosey.com or reach out on Twitter @jadjosey.

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