The 2021 Award For New Poets — Winners and Finalists!

Congratulations to the talented emerging poet Chibuihe Obi Achimba, winner of the 2021 Award for New Poets, and a sincere thanks to everyone who submitted. Thank you, also, for your patience while we reviewed all the extraordinary work. Chibuihe Obi Achimba has been selected for the $3000 prize by a panel of rising poets Mai Der Vang, Andrés Cerpa, and Rosebud Ben-Oni. Samuel Piccone is our 2nd place winner, and Emily Hyland our third. We are so excited to share their work with you this January!
Chibuihe Obi Achimba
“a sonnet: a slaughter field”
To be published on January 11, 2022
Chibuihe Obi Achimbagrew up in Southeastern Nigeria. He is a poet, essayist, LGBTQ+ activist, and was the 2019 Harvard University Scholar-at-Risk fellow and a visiting poet in the Department of English. His writings have been published or featured in The New York Times, Guernica Magazine, Harvard Review, and elsewhere. He was a finalist for the Gerald Kraak Award and served as the 2020 Summer Visiting Artist at the Oregon Institute for Creative Research. He is currently an MFA student at Brown University where he is working on a poetry collection and a memoir.
2nd Place
Samuel Piccone
To be published on January 12, 2022
Samuel Piccone is the author of the chapbook Pupa (Anhinga Press, 2018). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications including, Sycamore Review, Passages North, Denver Quarterly, and The Pinch. He received an MFA in poetry from North Carolina State University and serves on the poetry staff at Raleigh Review. Currently, he resides and teaches in Nevada.
3rd Place
Emily Hyland
“Ashes Arts and Crafts”
To be published on January 13, 2022
Emily Hyland’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Apple Valley Review, armarolla, Belle Ombre, Belletrist Magazine, The Brooklyn Review, Mount Hope Magazine, Neologism Poetry Journal, Sixfold, Palette Poetry, and more. A restauranteur and English professor from New York City, she received her MFA in poetry and her MA in English education from Brooklyn College. Her cookbook, Emily: The Cookbook, was published by Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House, in 2018. She is a member of the Community of Writers and studies writing with Mirabai Starr. Emily is the cofounder of the national restaurant groups Pizza Loves Emily and Emmy Squared Pizza.
The Finalists Are
Christina Miles
Julia Anna Morrison
Kimberly Nguyen
Mag Gabbert
Maria Gregorio
Shannan Mann
Yvette Siegert
The Poets on the Longlist Are
Katherine Gaffney
Stephanie Isan
Adrienne Oliver
Akosua Afiriyie-Hwedie
Alex Chertok
Alex Dodt
Alyea Pierce
Amanda Merritt
Angelo Geter
Ari Gtz Scz
Austina Xu
Britt Allen
Carolann Caviglia Madden
Caroline Shea
David Ward
Diane Beck
Elina Katrin
Esther Omole
Ethan McNicol
Georgio Russell
Grace MacNair
Grace MacNair
Henry Mills
Ike Pickett
Isaiah Rivera
J.C. Talamantez
Jason Marak
Jessica Covil-Manset
John McKinney
Jonathan Chu
Jonathan Chu
Kai Rosenfield
Kyle Brosnihan
Leonel Sanchez Lopez
LM Brimmer
Lucas Jorgensen
Luna Vallejo-Howard
Lynne Schmidt
Margaret Dapogny
Maria Rouphail
Mariam Bazeed
Mike Schneider
Milena Williamson
Morgan Eklund
Noriko Nakada
Oak Morse
Peter Donahue
Peter Kent
Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Faulkner
Samantha Grenrock
Sanah Ahsan
Shareen Murayama
Shirley Jones Luke
Stacey Forbes
Teresa Pham-Carsillo
Victoria Richards
Yasmine Ameli
Yi Wei
Yuzun Kang