June 2020 Deadlines: 10 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

New month, new courage: submit yourself to these fellowships, magazines, awards and internships. Remember, too, acceptances and rejections are by-products of this journey—crafting your authentic art is the goal. And as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices.
Featured: The 2020 Sappho Poetry Prize
This Palette Poetry contest only accepts submissions from women* poets. The winning poet will be awarded $3000 and publication on Palette Poetry. Second and third place will win $300 & $200 respectively, as well as publication. (*all women are welcome to submit: cis, trans, non-binary, etc)
Deadline: June 14 // Entry Fee
Minerva Rising
Our 20th issue will be dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States. We’re looking for short stories, essays, interviews, reviews, and poetry about the valiant women who won the right to vote as well as those who continue to fight for justice and equality for all. We welcome work that examines how women are dealing with the current political climate, and the way in which women’s lives and choices impact our history.
Boulevard Poetry Contest for Emerging Poets
Winner will receive $1,000 and publication awarded for the winning group of three poems by a poet who has not yet published a book of poetry with a nationally distributed press. The poems may be a sequence or unrelated. All entries will be considered for publication and for payment at our regular rates.
We believe poetry is contrary by nature and we look especially for plurality of meaning, for dual reverberation of beauty and concern. Contrary’s poetry in particular often mimics the effects of fiction or commentary.
Cave Canem Northwestern University Press Poetry Prize
All unpublished, original collections of poems written in English by Black poets of African descent who have had no more than one full-length book of poetry published by a professional press (chapbooks and self-published works are excluded). Winner receives $1,000, publication by Northwestern University Press, 15 copies of the book and a feature reading in New York City. Manuscript must be paginated with a font size of 11 or 12 and 50-75 pages in length, inclusive of table of contents.
Tint Journal
Share your short stories, essays, flash and poetry from April 13 to June 12, 2020 with us to be considered for our Fall ’20 issue! In view of the diverse backgrounds of our contributing writers, any subject matter which does not violate our values of acceptance and inclusivity is welcome.
Chicago Review
While there are no strict length requirements, the poetry editors prefer to read at least three pages of work. We will consider work in any literary style, but are typically less interested in traditional narrative approaches. International submissions and work in translation are particularly encouraged. Translators should secure permission to translate before submitting. Submissions that demonstrate familiarity with the journal tend to receive more attention than those that appear to be part of a carpet-bombing campaign.
The Puritan
Submissions received between Mar. 26 and June 25 are considered for the summer issue, published in late early Aug. We have diverse tastes; try us out. We’re looking for poems of any length (including sequences and long poems). You may also send up to four poems at a time.
May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize
The winner receives $1000, book publication, and 100 copies of the published book, as well as distribution with our other spring titles through our partner UPNE (University Press of New England). Manuscripts must be typed and paginated, 50 to 80 pages in length (single spaced). Translations and self-published books are not eligible.
Deadline: June 30 // Entry Fee
Bellevue Literary Review
We encourage poems that are accessible to a wide audience. Characteristics we look for are vivid writing, strong narrative, and rendering the familiar new. We encourage you to peruse back issues in our archive to get a sense of our ethos. Please submit no more than three poems. Each poem should be on a separate page within a single document.
Deadline: June 30 // Entry Fee