Poetry: Multiverse of Madness (in Technicolor) by Jordan E. Franklin

Jordan E. Franklin has seemingly made the right choice: an “imagination / that ran naked / and green through / the Flatbush” of her skull. And it shows—”Multiverse of Madness (in Technicolor)” races through its broken lines and mad whitespace, and delivers exactly what fills the world with color.
Multiverse of Madness (in Technicolor)
Jordan E. Franklin
Jordan E. Franklin is a Black poet from Brooklyn, NY. She earned her MFA from Stony Brook Southampton. Her work has appeared in the Southampton Review, Breadcrumbs, easy paradise, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. She is the winner of the 2017 James Hearst Poetry Prize offered by the North American Review, and a finalist of both the 2018 Nightjar Poetry Contest and the 2019 Furious Flower Poetry Prize. Currently, she is the poetry editor for Suffragette City Zine. Her manuscript, when the signals come home, was selected as a semi-finalist of the 2018 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award, and as a finalist of the 2019 Write Bloody Poetry Contest and the 2019 Gatewood Prize.