November Deadlines: 11 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

New month, new courage: submit yourself to these fellowships, magazines, awards and internships. Remember, too, acceptances and rejections are by-products of this journey—crafting your authentic art is the goal. And as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices.
Featured: Frontier OPEN
Last year, Tiana Clark won this $5000 prize for her poem “Tim.” Read it, suffer it, learn from it—then write and send your own wonderful poem to us. Our editors will choose the winner, and every finalist will get publication and $100. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20
Deadline: November 15
Superstition Review
Send this great mag from Arizona State University up to five poems before the window closes. Check out some samples from their latest issue. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 5
Granta’s looking for three of your poems for publication in their regular issue. Review some of their recent work from the poets Mary Ruefle, Momtaza Mehri, Joshua Jennifer Espinoza. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 15
The Boiler
The Boiler consistently elevates great new poets, like Jessica Abughattas and Todd Dillard in their last issue. Get your poems to them for the next quarterly publication. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 15
The Penn Review
Penn is an awesome mag, and not just because they average a 2-3 day response rate. Check out their 50th issue for some model work. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 20
2019 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Writing Awards
Every year Carnegie Mellon University opens up submission to high school and college students in Pittsburg. Edited by Frontier contributor Jim Daniels, they’re looking for “personal narratives dealing with individual experiences of racial or cultural difference or personal reflections on Dr. King’s legacy that rely on concrete detail.” Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 22
New England Review
NER is an amazing journal and an amazing addition to your professional bio. They’re asking for long and short poetry, translations and more. If you subscribe to their print issues, you can submit for free. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $2
Deadline: November 30
Michigan Quarterly Review
Michigan University’s journal wants up to 12 pages of poetry, paying $25 per poem selected. Check out their recent publications from great poets like Victoria Chang and Donald Hall. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $4
Deadline: October 15
Atlanta Review
Atlanta Review has been going for over twenty years now—always with the mission to publish “poems not poets”. Every submission is read blind, oso make sure you keep your identifying info out of the doc itself. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $3
Deadline: November 30
Poetry Magazine is Poetry Magazine. Don’t ever not submit to them when you can. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 30
Frontier New Voices Fellowship
This opportunity is for the second 2018 spot in our Fellowship program. We’re looking to uplift and support an emerging indigenous poet—editorial mentorship, joining our team of readers, publication in Frontier, and a $500 grant for submission fees. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $0
Deadline: November 30