OPEN Winner: Tim by Tiana Clark

“Tim” haunts. The poem measures itself between memory and violence, an obsessive absence performed, absorbed, delivered. Tiana Clark has earned the $5000 prize and OPEN award, because this poem, in language simple and subtle and dangerous, demands it. The rest of the ten OPEN finalists will be published over the next three days.
Tiana Clark
Tiana Clark is currently the 2017-2018 Jay C. and Ruth Halls Poetry Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute of Creative Writing. Her first full-length collection, I Can’t Talk About the Trees Without the Blood (University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming 2018), won the 2017 Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize. She is also the author of Equilibrium (Bull City Press, 2016), selected by Afaa Michael Weaver for the Frost Place Chapbook Competition. She is the winner of the 2017 Furious Flower’s Gwendolyn Brooks Centennial Poetry Prize, 2016 Academy of American Poets University Prize, and 2015 Rattle Poetry Prize. Her writing has appeared in or is forthcoming from The New Yorker, Kenyon Review, American Poetry Review, New England Review, Best New Poets 2015, BOAAT, Crab Orchard Review, Thrush, The Journal, and elsewhere. Clark is the recipient of scholarships to the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Sewanee Writers' Conference, and Frost Place Poetry Seminar. You can find her online at