Poetry: I Guess We’ll Have to Be Secretly in Love by Rosebud Ben-oni

Rosebud Ben-Oni’s love poem curls into itself, thematically and visually—put the anaphoric “to” on your tongue and let her generosity of language and image carry you into equine affection. There’s so much given here, and where a lesser poem would end, “I Guess” merely picks up steam.
I Guess We’ll Have to Be Secretly in Love with Each Other & Leave It at That
To can’t do. To overly over-you,
I think we & planting boxwood & snowdrop
children, nor sweet box
or winterberry.
To facetiming winter silence
for hours. To no camellias & christmas rose touching through a screen
& not still sorry
about “somehorse”
I knew
for less than a week in iceland
on black sand shores.
To my life, to yours,
to sulking
under half-sunken moons & oh the places we won’t go,
haciendas of airy
rooms & canopy beds
engraved with lions
that serve only cobra lilies
who wield spiked hammers—
a kind of punishment
for that ]]horse[[ I still long for.
To splinters & spitting
the names I’ll never
curse you
without remorse. To your most exquisite
stews & fermented
cabbage jars
I won’t break
To that first train we missed.
To falling off & eroded hoofprint.
by sticking a scorched trainer
in sliding door &
what’s so wrong
with hell anyway. To
as a betrayal of what is happening
to people we love
& to people not just waiting around to die.
To love as resistance but not always
the way back. To can’t I can’t I. To you
& fishing me out of the sink
& carrying me in your arms
only the song I sing has no queen,
has no eyes
or dreams, there is only
dim & dog-eared
kaddish. To forgiving me
To the platypus & fisher king, to breaking
in case of emergency.
To reading adonis
signal flare amid a canopy
of crows.
in our pop-up whit of the world,
its edges sour & peeling.
which is why I’m still busted stars
& throwing elbows.
& war. To should go home. To leaving it
the longest way
of derailed horsecry
& amaranthine bones.
Rosebud Ben-Oni
Born to a Mexican mother and Jewish father, Rosebud Ben-Oni is a recipient of the 2014 NYFA Fellowship in Poetry and a CantoMundo Fellow; her most recent collection of poems, turn around, BRXGHT XYXS, was selected as Agape Editions' EDITORS' CHOICE, and will be published in 2019. She was a Rackham Merit Fellow at the University of Michigan, a Horace Goldsmith Scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is an Editorial Advisor for VIDA: Women in Literary Arts. Her work appears or is forthcoming in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, Tin House, Black Warrior Review, TriQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, Arts & Letters, among others; recently, her poem "Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark" was commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City. She writes weekly for The Kenyon Review blog, and teaches creative writing at UCLA Extension's Writers' Program. Find her at 7TrainLove.org