November Deadlines: 11 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

Winter’s arriving and we’ve gathered some incredible opportunities for poets in November. Fellowships, magazines, awards and internships: write, submit, repeat. & as always, submit poetry for free to our New Voices.
CLMP Firecracker Awards for Independently Published and Self-Published Literature
This is an interesting one. Open to authors who have self-published a book of poetry in 2017, and to indie magazines adding to the community, the Community of Literary Magazines & Presses is offering the Firecracker Award with a diverse panel of judges. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20-75
Deadline: November 1
Proximity’s Editorial Fellowship Program
Nothing will plug you into the community like working for a literary magazine. This 3 month position will introduce you to the world as an Editorial Asisstant, and you’ll learn the ins-and-outs of how a magazine works. Note: they are also sensitive and inviting to under-represented applicants. Submit here.
Entry Fee: Free
Deadline: Rolling
Winter Tangerine 2017 Internship Program
Winter Tangerine is one of the mags we most admire, so we encourage everyone who likes our poets to try and intern with them. They’re seeking folks who are “ambitious, innovative, and dedicated,” and willing to be immersed in their community for four months. Submit here.
Entry Fee: Free
Deadline: Rolling
2018 Yale Younger Poets Prize
Judged by Carl Phillips, this prize will turn you from emerging to established quicker than most. Open to U.S. poets who have not yet published a book of poetry, send them you manuscript of 48 to 64 pages. Aim high. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $25
Deadline: November 15
tenderness, yea Chapbook Series
Emerging writers: tenderness, yea is looking to publish a chapbook by authors without any published full length book. And it’s free. No excuses here. Send them you best 10-35 pages, your most radical 10-35 pages. Submit by sending an email to tendernessyea (at)
Entry Fee: Free
Deadline: November 23
ANMLY: Avante Garde Poets of Color Folio
Poets of color, for you rebels and experimenters and pushers. ANMLY is looking for distorted text, playful space, disruptive and challenging poetry. Submit by sending 5 pieces w/ bio to Ysabel Y. Gonzalez at ancestral.poetisa (at)
Entry Fee: Free
Deadline: November 30
Glittermob Magazine
Glittermob is publishing great contemporary work that breaks expectation. Got that poem that resists the canon? that makes more heartsense to your teenage cousin than your professor uncle? Submit 3-5 unpublished poems to glittermobmag (at)
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: November 30
Burnside Review Press Book Award
Publication and $1000 award, judged by Suzanne Boffam. Send them 48-64 pages. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $25
Deadline: November 30
2017 Frontier OPEN // One Poem // $5000
Send us four of your best poems. Blind reading OPEN to every poet out there, emerging and established. Ten poets will be chosen for publication, nine with $100 prizes, and the winning poet will receive our largest prize yet, $5000. That’s momentum, that’s a serious opportunity to invest in yourself as a poet. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20
Deadline: November 30
Including a substantial stipend, room & board on Exeter campus, and full benefits, this fellowship is one of the best to actually help you finish that masterpiece manuscript. The application is dense, but remember, “the manuscripts are the primary basis for selection.” Submit here.
Entry Fee: $15
Deadline: November 30
The Iowa Review
One of the best established journals out there, TIR pays poets $1.50 per line. Send them up to 8 pages of your best unpublished work. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $4
Deadline: December 1