September Deadlines: 12 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

That summer lull is coming to a close, and September is a packed month. We’ve picked out a number of some of the most interesting deadlines for poets happening this month. Fellowships, awards, journals looking for multimedia poetry—it’s all here. Write, submit, repeat.
Frontier Poetry’s 2017 Poetry Award for New Poets
This is the last month to submit to our own poetry award. Send us 1-3 poems for your chance to be selected as a finalist, with the winner hand picked by our guest judge Tyehimba Jess, 2017 Pulitzer Prize winner. We can’t wait to read your work! Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20
Deadline: September 30
Horn & Ivory
We’ll let H&I speak for themselves: “We want your night runs, your forest fires, your wildest and most violent, most honest & most duplicitous dreams.” Email no more than 5 poems with a short bio—expect a quick turnaround as well. They’ll get back to you in 3 weeks. Submit here.
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: September 10th
Raspa Magazine
Raspa Magazine was selected as one of the “10 Awesome LGBT Literary Magazines You Need in Your Life” by Send them 1-5 poems via email that tell the stories/perspectives of queer Latin-x authors. Submit here.
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: September 15
MacDowell Fellowship
The MacDowell Colony is one of the USA’s oldest artist colonies. Each year, 300 fellowships are awarded to artists across all mediums. Apply this month to get a chance to spend your spring of 2018 surrounded by one of the most inspiring environments you could find. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $30
Deadline: September 15
Obra / Artifact’s Poetry in the Expanded Field
Obra / Artifact has built a reputation around producing poetry as artifact, publishing unique post-cards a couple times a year. Send them your multimedia work, 1200 x 1800 pixels, and your work may make it as a postcard. Submit here.
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: September 15
Grist: A Journal of the Literary Arts
With a diverse cast of published poets, Grist is a good place to read contemporary work with a wide cultural range of content. Send them 3-5 poems, and they may decide to print your work i their next issue or on Grist Online. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $4
Deadline: September 15
The Diode Editions Chapbook Contest
Diode is looking for manuscripts between 18-38 pages, with translations and collaborations welcome. The winner will receive 25 copies of their chapbook & $250, as well as seeing some of their poems in Diode’s journal. Submit via email and paypal. Review some of their previously published works on their site. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $12
Deadline: September 15
Leaf Press Chapbook Manuscript Competition
The Leaf Press Chapbook Manuscript Competition awards publishing contracts to one Canadian and one International poet each year. This year the chapbooks will be explorations of the book arts: they will be designed to suit the winning poems. Send up to 10 pages of poetry, and previously published poems are welcome. The prize includes ten free copies. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $25
Deadline: September 15
2019 Miller Williams Poetry Prize
The University of Arkansas press is running a contest for full length manuscripts (between 60-90 pages). Make sure your submission documents do not have any identifying information, or you’ve wasted your entry fee. Billy Collins will judge, and the winner will receive $5000 in the summer of 2018. Collins is looking for poetry that shows “an awareness of its reader, poetry that [is] plain spoken but also deals with the most essential experiences of being human.” Submit here.
Entry Fee: $28
Deadline: September 30
Formerly known as Drunken Boat Journal, Anomaly is looking for poetry for its next issue. You can read their latest issue here. Notice how they are very welcoming to works that incorporate multi-media design. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $3
Deadline: September 30
LHP Poetry Prize 2017
This year’s theme for the LHP Prize is “Read Water.” From the refugees crossing the mediterranean to the water in our own bodies, the editors are looking for poetry that speaks in relation to water and everything that implicates it. Send them up to 3 poems. Winner receives $250 and copies of the anthology. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $10
Deadline: September 30
Philip Levine Prize for Poetry 2017
Judged by C. G. Hanzlicek, this prize offers $2000, publication by Anhinga Press, and a chance to do a public reading at California State University, Fresno. Submit a full length manuscript between 48-80 pages. Make sure to read and abide by their guidelines. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $28
Deadline: September 30