July Deadlines: 9 Contests and Magazines With Deadlines This Month

Another month of summer, another month of opportunities.
Guernica is one of those rare magazines that does a dozen different things right. We have seen so many great emerging authors sharpen their teeth on this site. Only one submission at a time. Spend some time reading through the recent poems they’ve featured, and send in a poem you’ve got that fits their aesthetic. Submit here.
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: Rolling
Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award
Browse your favorite poets bios, and you’ll likely come across Crab Orchard Review sooner than later. Chad Davidson is judging their book contest. If you’ve never published a collection, send in your manuscript, 48 pages, without your name, for your chance to win the $1000 prize, publication from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and $1500 honorarium. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20
Deadline: July 8
Rattle Poetry Prize
Rattle offers one of those rare opportunities for a single poem to make considerable money. The winning poet will receive $10,000 and publication in the winter issue. Open to writers worldwide, the prize seeks to be as fair and open to emerging writers as possible. Read the guidelines and the previous winners as the editors of Rattle do the selecting. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20 (a one-year subscription to Rattle)
Deadline: July 15
Emrys Press Chapbook Prize
Win this prize, and your chapbook will be in your hands before the year is out. 20 copies of the book and $1000 will arrive in December 2017. The judge this year is Dorianne Laux. Send a 24-26 page manuscript without any identifying information. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $20
Deadline: July 15
Duende Translation Contest
This is Duende’s first ever translation contest. With a mission to publish what isn’t normally read in the US, they’re after international writers this summer. Send them 1-3 poems and translations for a chance to earn $300 and publication. Submit here.
Entry Fee: FREE
Deadline: July 31
Virginia Quarterly Review
VQR only accepts submissions between July 1st through 31st. Their pay is beyond fair though: $200 per poem, up to $800 (4 poems). Earning a VQR credit in your bio will be worth a bottle of champagne this fall. Send them four poems Submit here.
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: July 31
Nonbinary Review’s Hans Christian Anderson Issue
Nonbinary Review (of Zoetic Press) is accepting submissions for a special issue, around the theme of Hans Christian Anderson, fairy tale author extraordinaire. Note: there needs to be a CLEAR CONNECTION to source material. Send in up 3 pages of poetry (each poem in separate documents). They pay $10 per poem. Submit here.
Entry Fee: N/A
Deadline: July 31
Split Lip Magazine
Split Lip is seeking only single poems this month—and they ask that they be without “any peppy and rhyming works” or “journal entries” about the unfair world. They like innovation and edge, so pick the poem that best resembles their previous publications and give it a try. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $3
Deadline: July 31
Room Poetry Contest
Room has been publishing feminist literature for over 40 years. Their 2017 contest for poetry—open to women, trans, two-spirited, and genderqueer people—is almost closed. Jónína Kirton will judge, and the winner will recieve $1000 & publication. Send them up to 3 poems for consideration. Submit here.
Entry Fee: $42 (+ one-year subscription to Room)
Deadline: July 15